Wednesday, February 17, 2016

All You Need To Know About Septic System Installation

We have seen a recent spurt in commercial and industrial properties with no access to the public sewage system.   Waste water is one of the biggest pollutant causing health hazards. This waste water has to be treated and handled systematically. The Septic system is an onsite water management and treatment system that is commonly installed in residential and commercial properties.

Waste water management systems are of two types:

1)      Gravity fed

2)      Alternative system that includes aerobic treatment unit

Before you begin the septic system installation, remember to get all the relevant permits as required by your state, city or county.

Preliminary check list

Before you design your onsite septic system, you must consider the size of your land, the depth of the water table during different season, bedrocks, access for maintenance and future replacement options.

A septic tank is usually 12 feet X 8 feet, though it can be of a different size depending upon the number of people. The drain field is usually two lateral 150 feet long and 10 feet apart for most homes.

Only after you have got the clearances, it is worth installing the wastewater management system.

A guide to septic tank installation

  1. Embedment material, fittings, hand saw and glue.
  2. Place the pipeline from the home/building to the septic tank pit.
  3. The flow of wastewater in a gravity fed system must flow downhill. As no mechanical discharge method is used, gravity works to discharge the waste from the tank.
  4. Else a pump and a distribution box needs to be set up for a mechanical septic tank system.
  5. A concrete aerobic divided tank and perforated pipes that are embedded in the gravel are used in this system.
  6. Excavate a large hole to set the concrete tank below the ground level. The lower section of the tank receives all the effluents after a bacterial breakdown which is further broken down before it is drained into the leech field.
  7. The upper section of the concrete tank receives all the wastewater and effluents from the house or building
  8. The drop in the pipe from the home to the septic tank is calculated as: length of the sewer line from house drain X 1/4th inch drop per foot = drop in pipe level in inches. A little more pipe drop is convenient and practical too
  9. Inspect the septic tank for damages. The tank should be water tight so it does not contaminate the drinking water
  10. Place the perforated pipe in the drain field with the end cap
  11. Get the system inspected by the authorities. Once it is approved, cover up the area with as per the regulation of the health department
  12. In case of the alternative septic tank, install a pump chamber after installing the septic tank. This chamber hosts the electric pump which is used to move the effluents from place to place and ultimately to dispose it into the drain field


The most common types of drainfields are rock drainfield system and chamber trench drainfield system. Excavate a trench that contains the distribution system. The trench should be excavated in a soil that is dry and crumbly as wet soil decreases the capacity for the soil to absorb the wastewater.

The trench should have almost no slope, though a 3 inch per 100 feet drop is acceptable. Place gravel at the bottom if required, place the perforated pipe and cover it with loose rocks, which should be absolutely free of fine material. Make sure that the perforated side of the pipes is not facing down.

If you are installing a distribution box, then one more trench will be required. Do remember to check as per the local regulations. The distribution box must lie undisturbed.


Contact the utility companies before you start digging.

You may set up the septic system, but septic tank field maintenance is very crucial for efficient working of your wastewater management system. Plumbing companies like Dyanamerican offer septic service that includes installation, inspection and maintenance of the septic system.

Availing septic services of professional reduces your repair and replacements costs as well as eliminates the health hazard due to water contamination.


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