Monday, February 20, 2017

Smart HVAC, Smart Home - DIY HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Some things must be really done ON TIME, EVERY TIME; whereas other things can be done once a year or seasonally. A healthy HVAC system means less maintenance and repair costs. A well-maintained HVAC system not only saves you money and energy, it also expands the lifespan of the device ensuring its highest efficiency. Your Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning system has an interior unit consisting of a blower and an evaporator along with an exterior unit consisting of a compressor and a condenser. Below are a few steps that would save your equipment from unwanted problems and early replacement.  

A routine maintenance check-up procedure should include the following: 

Checking Thermostat Settings – Check the HVAC’s thermostat settings to ensure that the system does its job well. For this, you will have to switch from cooling to heating and raise the temperature slightly above the room temperature. If no heat kick sound is heard, make sure all the wire connections are secure or check the furnace fan, heat pump or blower. But contacting a professional would be a better option.

Lubricate the Moving Parts – An optimally working HVAC must serve energy savings. However, parts that lack lubrication result in friction and may cause maximum energy consumption. To lubricate, turn off the power and clean the caps after opening the cover. You can then lubricate the bearings by removing the caps.

Check and Clean the Heat Exchanger – A dirty burner or faulty (cracked) heat exchanger may cause carbon monoxide leakage and lead to disasters in the home. Also, an improper gas or oil connection can contribute to health related problems.

Inspect the Condensation Drain – It is important to constantly monitor the condensation drain of your heat pumps or furnaces as a plugged drain can affect humidity levels.

Check the Refrigeration Levels – Too little or too much refrigerant reduces efficiency in turn increasing energy costs. This may also reduce the life of the equipment.
Verify the Control of the Systems – This ensures safe operation. Check whether the system starts, operates, and shuts down properly.

Remove Debris and Free Up Surroundings – Cut off the plants that cover the condenser and remove the fan cage to clean the interior of any debris from the interior. Cut out the vegetation to up to 2 feet in all directions to allow generous airflow around the unit.

Performing these basic checks will enhance the HVAC system utility and extract most out of the equipment. Your plumbing services contractor can assist you through the process while you follow these DIY steps to maintain the HVAC at its optimal operational levels and increase the life of the equipment. Dynamerican has been in the industry since 1957 and understands the technicalities. With our well-trained staff members, we assure hassle-free functioning of your HVAC system. For any further assistance, please contact 800-362-8490 or visit


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