Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prevent Drain Clogs This Festive Season

Halloween pumpkins have caused havoc in the drain pipes. The sticky, stringy, slimy pulp is scraped and dumped in the drains in every American home. Whether you have carved jack-o-lanterns or anything else, this October and pushed the scrapped stuff into the sink is the biggest mistake made.
The pumpkin chokes the garbage disposal and the seeds stick to the wall on the pipes. Once the water dries ups, these solidify like concrete and most liquid drain cleaners cannot get rid of this pumpkin garbage. 

Now Thanksgiving is just round the corner. Every traditional dish is a potent clogger for the drainage system. Be it the grease from the turkey, which is hot and oily or the potato peelings and rice. The turkey drippings turn into a candle like wax on cooling while the potato and rice turn into a starchy blob. The stuffing is covered with bread crumbs which converts into starch and grease, which clogs the pipe.

Toss all these food items into the garbage can along with all the leftover on the plates, in pots and pans which must be scrapped thoroughly. This is the time when guests and family is staying at home too.  Look out for the slow drain which is a sign that it may be partially blocked. With more people in the house, there are more people taking showers, doing more laundry and also flushing personal toiletries like toilet tissue etc. into the toilet. The extra activity may cause a blockage in the already slow drain which may ruin your holiday.

Be it your residential or industrial complex, drain blockage issues may arise anywhere. The network of interconnected pipes can be interrupted with a single clog in one of the pipes. Experts are needed to identify the clog and use advanced technology for smooth flow of sewage in the drains. A blockage in the drain pipes may result in the complete shutdown of the industry or plant. 

If your sewer is partially clogged, call Dynamerican, the drain cleaning services provides for homes and offices to avoid a catastrophe on Thanksgiving.  Dynamerican, a JMT Group company based in Ohio are plumbing specialists since 1957 offering the highest quality of service and best plumbing solutions for residential and industrial plumbing needs. The services offered are lift cleaning, trench cleaning, by pass plumbing, vactor services, grease management and complete septic tank management.

To enjoy Black Friday shopping get your drains and sewer system cleaned and cleared by  Dynamerican  now. Contact now to get the best quote for Residential and Industrial Cleaning Services & Drainage Solutions and prevent the drainage problem this festive season.

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