Friday, November 27, 2015

Septic Tank – Construction, Operation And Maintenance

Septic systems are on-site wastewater management systems. These are common in industrial as well as residential properties. This septic system is developed when there is no access to a public sewage system. The waste water from commercial and residential units is collected and transferred into a septic tank where it accumulates. This grey water is treated to decompose the grease and solid settlements after which the effluents are disposed off safely.

Design and introduction to a septic tank

A septic tank is basically a tank that allows solids to settle to the bottom and the scum to float on the top. This is decomposed and eventually leached into the field after the effluents are filtered.
The basic requirement a home owner must understand is:

  • The size of the tank depends on the number of bathrooms as every county has its own norms to check the leach field capacity
  • The tank must be at a lower level than the house and the leach field lower than the septic tank
  • The septic tank must be at least 200 feet away from any water source
  • There should be no heavy equipment movement over the pipe connecting the septic tank to the field or the leach field
Septic drain field maintenance
·         Depending on the usage, the tank should be pumped every 1-4 years
·         There should be no heavy objects on the leach field
·         No items should be introduced directly into the septic tank

What not to drain into the septic tank
  • Non degradable items like grease, chemicals, cigarette butts, eggshells, bones, napkins
  • Do not over use water

It is advisable to use a trash compactor as it helps to keep disposal use to a minimum.

Why septic system and its maintenance is critical?

  • Replacing or repairing the septic system is a very expensive affair.  A new system can cost up to $ 3000 while a routine inspection and pumping will cost around $ 100.
  • Improper handling and disposal of wastewater proves to be a health hazard. A failed septic system contaminates the water sources like the well and the ground water as well, which poses a great danger to health when combines with human waste.

A well designed and properly installed septic system cuts out on the cost as well as eliminating the possibility of water contamination which prevents a health hazard. Septic system problems do not show up instantly, it is a slow process which results in complete failure of the system if ignored. 

Leading septic system installation and septic service providers offer maintenance service and take care of all the septic system needs for a safe and happy living.

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